This exchange involves the matching of a USA student between the ages of 15-17 with a student from another country. Typically age, interests and gender are factors that are considered when making a match.
The USA student travels to the host country at the beginning of the summer for a one month stay with their host brother or sister and their family.
The host brother or sister then comes to stay with the USA family for a month some time later in the summer.
The students have a two month exchange (one month abroad and one month hosting).
International Camps and Tours involve a structured one-way experience where USA students between the ages of 16-25, most commonly 18-21, participate in a camp or tour in a host country that is planned and sponsored by local Rotarians in that country.
Housing arrangements may include home stays or group accommodations and experience not only the country but the opportunity to be with other exchange students from around the world who are also attending the camp or tour.
New camps each year – approved applicants receive notice as camps for summer of 2025 are announced.
See one you want to apply for and your application will be sent.
This list will be updated as new Camps & Tours are added.
See list from 2019 summer for examples. Rotary Short Term Camps and Tours – Summer 2019
(Typically, we will receive camp announcements from December through April.)
Select one of the options below to learn more:
The Family to Family STEP fee (payable to North Star Youth Exchange Program) is $500. Families are responsible for having a passport, purchasing their student’s airline ticket, providing insurance and spending money. Host families provide room and board and welcome the exchange student as a member of their family.
For Camps and Tours, there is a $250 North Star program fee. The listed camp fee is payable directly to the camp hosts at the time of acceptance (cost varies but average is $200-$600). Families are also responsible for having a passport, purchasing the airline ticket and insurance and bringing spending money.