Experience Midwest Living! Our area is rich in natural resources, culture and open-hearted people. Exchange students staying in the North Star Area may live in urban, suburban or rural communities.
When the Voyageurs explored the lands that are now called Minnesota and Wisconsin, they followed the guiding light of the north star.
The North Star Region includes the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul and surrounding cities and towns (3 million inhabitants). Other major cities in our area include St. Cloud, Mankato and Rochester in Minnesota and Rice Lake, and Hudson in Wisconsin.
Famous people from our area include Bob Dylan, Prince, artist Georgia O’Keefe, Frank Lloyd Wright and Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. Our area is the birthplace of the post-it note, waterskiing, Harley-Davidson and the modern computer.
High school classes begin in late August or early September and usually end the first week of June.
Exchange students are typically placed in the 11th (junior) or 12th (senior) year.